It's been way too long. And for that, I apologize! Cavan is officially one year into this diet. It seems like ages and ages ago that we were there. I am so happy that I blogged that week. It's so important for us to see just how far he has come. So let's give you a little update on our favorite Keto Kid, Cavan!
He has started Kindergarten at the same elementary school that his sisters attend. He no longer has an IEP through the special education department because he exceeded where they wanted him to be. This came with some issues because he lost his one on one aide. They decided to give him an aide for all meal times (which in kindergarten that takes up a lot of the day!). So basically he has an aide for like three hours a day. He seems to be doing well- he is making friends and the diet is still being maintained.
We have weaned off one of his medications. It was the medication that controlled his absence seizures and drop seizures. It was a very slow wean over the summer and we watched him very carefully. Not one relapse. Not one seizure. Our goal is to get him off all medication. The lamictal is the one that controls his grand mal seizures. He takes it twice a day (8 pills a day). Removing that scares the hell out of me. It's the one that's been constant from the beginning. Our kick ass neurologist told us we could wait a bit before doing that. Having him get used to kindergarten (a stressor) is important before we wean that. That made me feel a lot better!
The differences we see in Cavan are amazing. He is loving, aware of things now, has better behavior and overall understands a lot more. Removing the drugs were key for him. We got him back. There are still areas we need to work on... His speech, his memory gets fuzzy a lot (especially names), and his sleep habits are all screwed up because he is starving or restless. But man, have we come far. And I thank God for that everyday! We were so so lucky this boy was an early responder to the diet and took to it right away. And CHOP, well, they are amazing too. Without them, who knows where we would be with Cavan. So to everyone considering this diet or to those who just want to know about it- it's a life changer. And we are happily celebrating one year seizure free.