Sunday, March 20, 2016


So I have a little story to tell. And this is not a story meant to put anyone down AT.ALL. In fact- this is the best story ever to bring up why I have decided to take on  #cavanspurpleparty.  Awareness. That's it. One simple word. And yet it is so hard to come by. 
  It was time to give Cavan his syringes of cream at dinner time. We weren't at home. I am trying to be somewhat vague about these details so someone doesn't say- oh shit- that was me! So anyway- I was struggling to give them to him. He didn't want them and it was somewhat embarrassing. It was a hold him down kind of night and insert syringe into mouth forcefully. So as I did this, a woman came up to me and said, "what are you doing?" So quickly and breathlessly, I tried to explain to her that Cavan was epileptic and he was on a very specialized diet to control his seizures. She looked at me with a blank stare. So again, I said. He gets seizures and this stops them. I didn't know how else to explain it to her quickly without Cavan escaping his last four squirters. So she looks at me and says, "oh ok! Now I understand. We have had to change our diets too when we got indigestion and intolerance." I actually laughed out loud. I couldn't help it. The giggles just kept coming. So I really have a lot of work to do. We need to educate people on what Epilespy is- forget going into the diet! Do people even KNOW what it is? 
  When I spoke to Kenyon about it, he admitted that he didn't know if he knew the full picture of what Epilepsy was before Cavan. Huh. Interesting. So I went out and bought a kid friendly book explaining what Epilespy is and I am heading to the schools this week! Time to educate. Time to make people aware. What are YOU going to do to help spread awareness? Help me help people understand! 

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