Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lets Take A Moment

I want to take a moment to thank Cavan's teachers. Everyday they work hard to make Cavan a better person. They see the potential he has. They work with me to feed him this diet and inform me anytime if there is something off about him. They record his bad moments for me but even better- they record his fantastic moments as well. They love him. They truly love him. And with their help, Cavan has become so much better- more disciplined, follows directions, and has far surpassed his goals. This is why we are so lucky to live in this school district. With his teachers, he will soar.
Cavan flying a kite at school to learn about wind. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016


So I have a little story to tell. And this is not a story meant to put anyone down AT.ALL. In fact- this is the best story ever to bring up why I have decided to take on  #cavanspurpleparty.  Awareness. That's it. One simple word. And yet it is so hard to come by. 
  It was time to give Cavan his syringes of cream at dinner time. We weren't at home. I am trying to be somewhat vague about these details so someone doesn't say- oh shit- that was me! So anyway- I was struggling to give them to him. He didn't want them and it was somewhat embarrassing. It was a hold him down kind of night and insert syringe into mouth forcefully. So as I did this, a woman came up to me and said, "what are you doing?" So quickly and breathlessly, I tried to explain to her that Cavan was epileptic and he was on a very specialized diet to control his seizures. She looked at me with a blank stare. So again, I said. He gets seizures and this stops them. I didn't know how else to explain it to her quickly without Cavan escaping his last four squirters. So she looks at me and says, "oh ok! Now I understand. We have had to change our diets too when we got indigestion and intolerance." I actually laughed out loud. I couldn't help it. The giggles just kept coming. So I really have a lot of work to do. We need to educate people on what Epilespy is- forget going into the diet! Do people even KNOW what it is? 
  When I spoke to Kenyon about it, he admitted that he didn't know if he knew the full picture of what Epilepsy was before Cavan. Huh. Interesting. So I went out and bought a kid friendly book explaining what Epilespy is and I am heading to the schools this week! Time to educate. Time to make people aware. What are YOU going to do to help spread awareness? Help me help people understand! 

Friday, March 18, 2016

One more week....

This week has been a bit rough on Cavan. He came down with some weird stomach thing. Not eating and not throwing up... Belly just felt weird. I kept him home on Monday from school. Nothing really happened so he went to school the rest of the week. He ate really well for his teacher (of course) and wouldn't eat for me at home. His ketones were through the roof which meant his body was fighting something (and his not eating probably had a lot to do with that too). He was home again today because PEECH has off every other Friday. And this is how I KNOW he is feeling off...
A nap in the middle of the afternoon?! I'll take it but it definitely means my cute Keto Kid doesn't feel well. But enough about him (lol) lets talk Purple Party!
  We are one week out. I am kind of- sort of dying as we get closer. I apologize for any kinks you may encounter. This party got so big so fast that my party organizing skills are being tested to the max. We have had a lot more vendors join on since I last blogged. There will definitely be something for everyone. Philadelphia pretzel Factory of Ewing has given a wonderful discount for pretzels so they will be on sale for $1.00 each! Of course, all profits go directly to CHOP Keto Diet Division. I can't even begin to type up all of the vendors that will be  in attendance. Just come and have fun! I have tried to make it so that the kids will learn a little something as well. It is Epilepsy Awareness Day after all! 
Recap for the day: 
March 26
Hillbilly Hall in Hopewell, NJ
Balloon Art 11-1
Face Painting 11:30-1:30
Food 11:30-1
Pretzels while supplies last
Art Sparks $5 per child (to be donated to CHOP)
Vendors for adults (profits to CHOP)
$5 Below-Awareness Table
$20 suggested donation at door!

Hope you can all make it! Looking forward to seeing you there!