Sunday, December 3, 2017

Our Next Step

So it’s been a really long time since blogging. It’s easy to stop writing and updating when all is good. And let’s be honest, there is Facebook and Twitter and all of those other social media avenues I can use to update  people. But sometimes, it’s therapeutic to write it all down. It’s a way (for me) to just think it out. Cavan has been doing amazingly well. He is thriving in school. We made the decision to hold him back and have him repeat kindergarten. It was one of the best things we could have done for him. He is all caught up academically and they have even discussed discontinuing the occupational therapy. I fully support that decision. He responds better to kids this age and developmentally I just think it’s where he is- which totally makes sense since he lost parts of his life.
  We began to wean him from his very last medication. The diet has been working so well and his (crazy awesome) neurologist decided it might be time to wean him. So back in September and October we began removing his medication. He was taking four pills in the morning and four pills in the evening. We removed on pill from each part of the day for a week. Then the next week, took another part of the pill away. See, it was going well- a little too well for us Petura’s. 😉 By the time we got to one pill  both day and night a whole new Cavan came forward. I wanted to put that Cavan back in a closet. The epilepsy medication he is on is also a mood stabilizer used for depression, anxiety etc. So when we took it away, Cavans hyperactivity went through the roof. Like crazy. I can’t even begin to give you scenarios. It was that bad. His teacher was calling and letting me know he was out of control which didn’t surprise me because we were seeing it at home. So we called his neurologist and we increased his medication back to the last point that he was in control of his body. And we have been at a standstill since then.
  Like magic, the wonderful people of CHOP neuropsychology called and let us know that Cavan was up for his appointment. It was a year waitlist people! That’s crazy! But it came at just the right time. We are going to have him evaluated and hopefully get him off his medication and under control for his hyperactivity. What will that include? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m not a doctor. But I do know that we will be open to anything that will help Cavan thrive and continue to be his loving, bubbly self. That has always been our goal from day one- hell- that’s why we started this diet! So wish us luck because tomorrow he gets to be there from 8:30-4:30. With appointments that long, I’m sure they’ll see the real Cav! Stay tuned for follow up info...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


So we are about halfway through Kindergarten already! I'm not exactly sure where the time went.  Cavan has made many friends in Kindergarten but we have had some issues along the way.  His maturity level is obviously different compared to other kids in his class.  I guess this makes sense in so many ways.  He literally lost a year of his life ages 3-4 because he was having so many seizures.  I went through a lot of emotions when we had a discussion with his teacher and 504 team whether or not he would be ready for first grade.  I was angry at first because really in my eyes, Cavan is perfect.  Once I got off my high horse though I realized that I did see Cavan playing inappropriately after school on the playground.  And then I thought about all of the other times that he lacked focus at home, concentrating on what he has to do. Don't get me wrong.  He has come SO.FAR.  But when compared to other kids going into first grade maybe not far enough .  So Kenyon and I have pretty much made the decision that he will remain in Kindergarten for one more year.  It'll give him the gift of time. Our goal as parents is to put him in a situation where he will be able to succeed and we believe he will be able to do that- just next year.  That, and I am a kick ass Kindergarten room parent so another year is a benefit to the teachers as well.    ;)