Tuesday, February 9, 2016

This is Big. This is REAL Big.

It started out as this, "hey Kenyon, wouldn't it be cool if we did like a little party for Epilepsy Awareness Day?" His response was a look. I couldn't really tell what he meant with the look that he gave me- it was either are you freaking kidding me? Or go for it! So I chose the latter. 

When I first planned this in my head, it was a party at the house. Everyone wears purple- we make purple Martinis (um, priorities much?), maybe grab a couple of vendors to make some money for CHOP. But then I thought God I hate cleaning my house. So we decided on having out. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted it kid friendly (plus alcohol!). Because who is this really for? All of the kids like Cavan. So we came up with games and activities. We thought about what things kids love when we go to fairs and carnivals etc. and we started booking them. 
 And then things got big. They got really big. Because you know why? We live in a kick ass town and we have kick ass friends. Everyone is chipping in and donating. Everyone is supplying me with ideas and donating time. And I am overwhelmed. In a totally good way of course! But man is this thing going to be fun. We will have vendors, and kids activities. We will have face painters and balloon artists. We will have food! Free food! Drinks are on you, hahaha! That could get pricey! But best of all- we will come together. And be happy. And support something that my Keto kid is trying to beat- hell- at times he's just trying to maintain it. But we will do it together. And we will raise awareness for epilepsy. So that hopefully, in some time, someone can find a cure. Hope to see YOU there!


  1. Go Mama Erin!!! Wish I could come :)
    You inspire me each day!

    1. Love you guys! Just wear your purple that day and tag it #cavanspurpleparty. We would love to see it!!
