Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Well Shit- That Sucks

As many of you know, Cavan had the stomach bug. In the past, seizures would completely take over when he was sick. They would skyrocket in number. So you can imagine my surprise when he didn't have one seizure yesterday. He even puked up his meds yesterday morning. And he was so loving! Every word out of his mouth was 'Mommy, I love you. Mommy, you fill my bucket. Mommy I love maevey.' Etc. I was like damn! This kid should get sick everyday! He went to bed easily and woke up this morning with no problem. 
 His numbers were a little off this morning. I expected that though since he hasn't been eating at all. His ketones were through the roof and his blood sugar was low. But he ate a lot of food this morning- certainly not all of it but enough. I sent him to school happy. 
 Right after feeding Anya and Ronan lunch, his teacher called to tell me that they are pretty sure he had an absence seizure. It took my breath away. Noooooo I wanted to scream! Five months seizure free and this stupid sickness reset that. It sucks. Everything they described sounded like it. It's just so hard when I'm
Not there. Like- maybe it didn't reallllly happen. Not that I don't believe them but I guess I just don't WANT to believe them. Anyway, Kenyon went down there and checked his numbers and evaluated him with the school nurse. He was being his normal crazy Cavan. So we left him there. Let's hope this was a fluke. Let's hope this stupid stomach bug made this happen and we aren't going to go downhill from here. Let's hope I don't get any more phone calls. And tomorrow, we start at day 1 again. I hate Epilepsy.