Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Today was awful. Like I don't even know if I can talk about it because I might cry kind of awful. I should have known when he woke up in the middle of the night gagging. He didn't puke but he gagged in his sleep for most of the night. Then they woke him up at 5:30 to give him a new IV (my little darling knocked his out). He was up after that. He spent most of his morning gagging and screaming. Then came the meds. Oh my god the meds. He didn't want to take them anymore and so I learned how to hold him down with my forearm and shove the meds down his throat. 
  The nurse came in and told me that he has acidosis. Basically, there is acid in his blood (not good but totally common!). So he now has to take a new med to control that. He hates it. So, yeah. There's that. 
  Then surprise! We overbooked our rooms. They had to move us down the hall into a room with Melissa (my keto friend!) and her baby Paige (Ronans age). We got settled in and it was a bit tight and Cavan was losing his mind. 
  So mealtime came and there was a ton of 'Cavan, please eat.' Insert screaming here. He hasn't eaten all day. When the new meds kick in for the acid, he will supposedly eat again. His blood glucose is a bit low so it's important he eats his carb. But he isn't eating. Just.screaming.  So when it came time for class, I ran the hell out of that room. I learned all about what to do if Cavan gets sick on the diet- If he has fevers or the stomach bug etc. They gave us a handy medicine guide on what they can and cannot have. I'll have to go over some of it with my pediatrician (Pete- that was your warning, lol). But we all know the Peturas never get sick so I don't need to worry (HA!!) 
 After class I was back just in time to fight him again. Luckily uncle Scott was here to help! Thanks uncle Scott.  He ate nothing. All he did was tell us he didn't want to eat. He kept screaming for donuts and cupcakes and ice cream (no joke- screaming those words) And when it came to med time, it just got worse. This is normal they said and it's only because of the acid they said. All I know is that Cavan looked me right in the eye and said, "I don't want you. I want a new mommy." And it Oh and you better believe that I asked him the question again just to make sure I heard right. And I did. So it was fitting that we saw the social worker the second session.  
There I find out that Cavan was the only kid who had acidosis. He was the only kid not eating. And they told me tomorrow he just might be going to a ratio of 3:1 instead of increasing it to the desired 4:1. I cried a lot today. But Kenyon and Scott got him to eat his whipped cream and they played with him at the "park" at the seashore garden. So there were positives. I just didn't feel as though I got to see any. Not bitching or whining about it- just sad. 
  So evening we got to go take a picture of his bones. It was super quick and super easy. So when we got back to the room, we were told we had to move again back to the room we came from. No, I am not freaking kidding you. So we did. By the time we got settled it was med time again. I was ready to forearm him but Kenyon and I have learned how to cradle him in our arms and force feed him. So Cavan was able to eat hot dog, a pat of butter, and one saltine for dinner!! That is a huge success in my opinion. We didn't get the heavy cream in or the mayo but because he still has acid in his blood that's ok. His ketones are high so that is why he doesn't want to eat. He fell asleep at 6:00 and woke up at eight by a nurse putting a suppository in his ass. He still hasn't pooped and now it is ten o'clock. We are finally going to sleep hoping and praying that tomorrow will be a better day. 

Here's breakfast from today:

And here is what made me smile at night when I had enough


  1. Hang in there! Hope tomorrow goes smoother.

  2. You are making me cry a little too. Love you Sissie. Praying the worst is over now

  3. You and Kenyon are wonderful to be going through all this for Cavan. You know it will get better! Maeve, Cara and Ronan will be sooooo happy to see you and Cavan on Friday! You are amazing, my daughter!

  4. It takes a village! And this village is here for you. Xoxo

  5. I'm a total stranger who is just beginning this epilepsy journey. My son is also not responding well to AEDs. We are on a course of steroids right now and the ketogenic diet is probably next.

    My sweet 4 year old told me he doesn't love me anymore and wants a new mommy. He's said it a few times after I've forced medicine down his throat. I totally feel you about that - it's no fun.

    Thanks for sharing this experience. Reading what you are going through is helping me process what we are facing. My son missed Halloween because we've been inpatient this week. I'm going to borrow your idea and get the neighbors to recreate it for him later this week, so he gets to trick-or-treat.

    Thank you!

  6. I'm a total stranger who is just beginning this epilepsy journey. My son is also not responding well to AEDs. We are on a course of steroids right now and the ketogenic diet is probably next.

    My sweet 4 year old told me he doesn't love me anymore and wants a new mommy. He's said it a few times after I've forced medicine down his throat. I totally feel you about that - it's no fun.

    Thanks for sharing this experience. Reading what you are going through is helping me process what we are facing. My son missed Halloween because we've been inpatient this week. I'm going to borrow your idea and get the neighbors to recreate it for him later this week, so he gets to trick-or-treat.

    Thank you!
