I am doing a two part update on Cavan. This morning has not been a good one. He woke up with his blood sugar very very low at 35. The lowest it should get on this diet is 46. They gave him an emergency carb exchange of juice to bring it up. After a half an hour it went to 51. They were satisfied with that but they were still concerned with him not eating or drinking. He needed an IV. His acid was still extremely high. Checking out they want him to have an acid (bicarbonate) level of 20. Cavans was 13. He smells like vinegar is pouring out of his pores. He threw up his meds two time again. His blood showed that he was still in ketosis mostly because he was starving himself. I went to class to make pizza, pancakes and more of those ice cream balls! He was supposed to be getting an IV with Kenyon there. When I got back, he had no IV. They stuck him three times and he was screaming and they couldn't get a blood draw. So they let it be. When I got back, Kenyon and I calmed him down and she got it first try! They gave him the fluids and the bicarbonate meds and within an hour he was eating and drinking. We went on a treasure hunt to find coins all over the boardwalk.

He finished all of his pancakes but not the cream. It's a start!!
Melissa and Mike are taking Paige home today. It's bittersweet because they have become such good friends. And I am so jealous that they get to go. But I am also super happy for them. They have become such good friends.
He is resting now. Still smells awful. Waiting to see what tonight brings.
It must be bittersweet to have your friend leave! I hope you get to go home soon also. Hopefully these speed bumps will happen now so when you go home it will be smooth. Looking at the pictures of Cavan he looks happy hard to believe everything he is going through. Good luck tonight and I hope tomorrow continues to get a little better!