Holy shit. Today was a crazy informational day. I don't even know where to begin. Cavan woke up and had a kick ass breakfast of bacon, eggs, applesauce, oil (we mixed that into the applesauce) and heavy cream. He had ketchup and mayonnaise too. He devoured every.last.bite. The mayo had some coaxing involved but I just told him it was white ketchup and down the hatch it went! Morning consisted of me meeting with Nurse Claire who explained how to record everything we are doing. I will betesting his urine everyday. I am looking to make sure his blood is working towards ketosis. I am checking to make sure his glucose level is stable (not too low is super important). I will be checking his PH level as well. I have already "tested out" all of that already and have done it three times. Cavan thinks it's hilarious too because I let him pee right on the stick!
Lunch was another win. He had chicken breast, cheddar cheese, applesauce, oil, heavy cream (for his milk), mayo. Again, he loved all of it (well minus the cream) and ate it up. The heavy cream he showed a huge dislike for. I had to spoon feed it to him which is NOT going to fly come school (right Ms. Cartaino?!) Need to think of a better way.
Afternoon class was a trip down elementary school lane. Holy math class! So follow this if you can, Cavan gets exchanges of protein, fat and carbs based on his weight and calorie intake. Obviously, fats are huge, protein and carbs small. Every food item has a gram number associated with it. Take cavans exchange number and multiply it to the food's gram number and voila! You have cavans meal number in grams. Sounds simple until some proteins have fats and then you have to subtract from the fat lists because it's already in the protein. Don't worry- I'll never ask you to make cavans meal! And please no one ever feed him! Now you know there is a HUGE process in finding out what he
CAN eat.
So after our heads were swimming but we think we all got it, we got to make tomorrow's meal! We made a delicious Mac and cheese. We even got to try it and besides the fact that it was super heavy, it was really good. 

We got back to the room right in time for dinner. Cavan was pretty hungry. He was weepy and I was stressed out. Kenyon and I were snappy and Cavan literally grabbed the hot dog right off his plate. I got it in time-thank god! So for dinner he had hot dog, applesauce, corn, butter chunks, and we whipped the cream and mixed in Davincis chocolate syrup. He ate every morsel of dinner!
The nurse came in to prick his finger and show me how it's done. He had a glucose level of 74 (ok) and ATTENTION everybody!!!! He HIT KETOSIS already! This means his body is now feeding of he fats instead of carbs! Huge! I kind of expected balloons to fall from the sky but they totally didn't.
Nighttime snack was ROUGH. It was at 8. If you know me, you know my kids are asleep by 8! He had to eat three carrots, a pat of butter, five large spoonfuls of cream cheese, and drink about an ounce and a half of cream. Brutal. I was pretty much force feeding him. And now it is 9 and he is stil not asleep. I am okay and besides being stressed at times, am hanging in. The nurse said tomorrow is going to be rough. Kenyon will bare the brunt of it since I will be in class. He has been amazing and we finally found a place that Cavan will hang out tomorrow. Thank god for someone telling us about it!
If you got through all of this, thanks for sharing our journey with us! And thank you for all of the love and prayers. Keep them coming! Tomorrow will be hard!
We are all with you! Great job Cavan :)